Awards Intelligence

The Honours Committee Explained

The Honours Committee is an incredible element of British society, holding a distinct place in recognising individuals who have made exceptional contributions to their communities, professions or nations as a whole. The process of receiving an honour is enveloped in tradition and protocol, overseen by the Honours Committee.

If you’re seeking recognition for your brilliant act of service, in this article we highlight the inner workings of this highly-esteemed committee, exploring its roles, responsibilities and the ins and outs of the honours bestowment process.

The formation of the Honours Committee

The Honours Committee is a body responsible for the selection and recommendation of candidates of various honours, from knighthoods to damehoods, Order of the British Empire and other prestigious awards.

While the formation of the committee is available to access online, it is incredibly large! From individuals of diverse backgrounds, including civil servants, politicians and figures from various other fields such as arts, science and academia, the Honours Committee is ever-growing, and you can find the full list of those in the role on the website.

The committee operates under firm guidelines, ensuring transparency, fairness, and impartiality in the decision-making process. Each member is trusted with the task of identifying those deserving individuals whose contributions deserve recognition through the bestowal of honours.

Roles and responsibilities

The primary role of the Honours Committee is to assess nominations and recommend suitable candidates for honours to the Prime Minister, who advises the monarch on the awards to be conferred. When fulfilling duties, the committee meticulously evaluates each nomination against established criteria, taking into consideration the nominee’s achievements, service to the community, and impact on society.

The main objective of the committee is to uphold the integrity and tradition of the honours system, safeguarding it from influence or favouritism. It operates independently, away from political or commercial pressures, ensuring that the honours are gifted solely on the basis of excellence alone.

Beyond the selection process, the Honours Committee plays an essential role in maintaining public confidence in the honours system. By complying with rigorous standards of accountability, it reinforces the credibility associated with these prestigious awards.

The Honours process

The process of receiving an honour is governed by several stage procedure:


The journey begins with submitting nominations by members of the public, government departments, or organisations. Nominations usually outline the nominee’s achievements, contributions, and reasons as to why they deserve the honour.


After receiving nominations, the Honours Committee conducts a thorough assessment of each candidate, evaluating their achievements against the established criteria. This involves scrutinising the nominee’s accomplishments, impact on society, and adherence to ethical standards.


Following the assessment process, the committee discusses the suitability of each nominee and makes recommendations to the Prime Minister. These recommendations are based on the committee’s collective judgement and expertise, ensuring that only the most deserving candidates are put forward for the prestigious honours.


After receiving the committee’s recommendations, the Prime Minister advises the monarch on the honours to be awarded. The final decision rests with the sovereign, who formally approves the awards, either conferring them in person or through representatives at ceremonies.


Once approved, the names of the honours recipients are announced twice a year, marking two significant dates in the diary; for the King’s Birthday and the New Year. The announcements serve to celebrate the achievements of the recipients and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.


The pinnacle of the honours process occurs during the ceremonies, where recipients are formally recognised and presented with their awards by a member of the royal family or a representative of the Crown. These ceremonies are saturated in tradition, highlighting the true significance of the honours being awarded.

Support from Awards Intelligence

Through the careful selection process and demand to follow rigorous standards, the Honours Committee stands tall as a guiding factor in the awards process. At Awards Intelligence, we can take the stress away of applying for such prestigious honours. Allow us to do the work, increasing your chances to be celebrated for your merits. Get in touch with us today to learn more!