Q: Who decides who will be awarded a Knighthood or Damehood?

The Honours and Appointments Secretariat at The Cabinet Office collate nominations as they arrive and refer them to the most relevant of the nine honours committees.

Honours committees assess all kinds of achievements made by all sorts of individuals, from entrepreneurs and business men, to educational, legal and health professionals, to high achievers in sports and the arts, as well as community workers and volunteers.

Independent experts are selected to join the various committees, joined by senior civil servants. These individuals undertake further examination of nominations for all levels of King’s awards, including knighthoods and damehoods, and together they will conclude who deserves which (if any) level of award.

The only way to make sure your nominee gets the recognition they deserve is to make a nomination so detailed and compelling that it leaves no doubt in the judges eyes that they are deserving of an award – and we can help you to do just that. Call us today to get your nomination started.